Sorry for the lack of details such as version numbers - this used to "Just work" and i've been waiting for it to fix itself as mysteriously as it was broken.
One used to be able to go into Mail, select a message (or in my case, many messages), hit copy, go to bbedit, hit paste, and it would paste only text characters from the email (along with headers, etc). It striped style information, and that's a good thing.
For a while now, and i don't know if it was a change in bbedit or a change in Mail, when I copy 1 or more emails in Mail, bbedit merely highlights the menu (as if it's trying to paste), and after a short pause nothing appears. Further, and not that it matters, but the paste option is gone from bbedit after the 1st failure -- i must put the item in my clipboard anew if I wish to try (and fail) again.
The following isn't a good workaround, but it does provide another datapoint. I can paste the message(s) into TextEdit, which renders whatever rich/html style information was present in the email(s), along with headers. If I select all & copy everything just pasted, I can paste this new clipboard contents into bbedit, ready for me to massage (I want to dredge email addresses -- I wish there were a built in tool to dredge email addresses, by the way). Unfortunately, in that process, TextEdit did something I wanted to avoid during that process, which was render the pictures in the email even from external servers (thus tracking tags). I count(ed) on bbedit to sanitize stuff like this for me.
Any info?
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Jul 09
golem Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09, 2010; 10:53
Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09
JustinL Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09, 2010; 12:36
Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09
Steve Kalkwarf Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09, 2010; 13:00
Steve Kalkwarf
Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09
Tim Gray Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09, 2010; 13:05
Tim Gray
Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09
JustinL Re: Pasting contents from Mail
Jul 09, 2010; 13:27
Re: Pasting contents from Mail
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