In BBEdit's AppleScript dictionary , BBEdit suite, appears "found text (text, r/o) : for a single-file search, the found text" It is a Property of the Result "--> Search Match : information about the text string found by the search" of the verb "Find"
I would like to use "found text" in forming a string by concatenating it with other string elements, for use as a filename. However, I cannot find any way to refer to "found text" in an AppleScript that does not result in an error.
The AppleScript log shows, after the successful search, the result '-- > {found:true, found object:characters 154 thru 158 of text document 1, found text:"abcde"}'.
"abcde" is the text that I want to use for my string. But, for example, "get (found text)" results in 'error "BBEdit got an error: CanÂ’t make found text into type found text." number -1700 from found text'. Different attempts to refer to "found text" get different errors.
I've pored over all the help files I can find, and rooted around in "AppleScript 1-2-3" (Apple Training Series, Sal Soghoian and Bill Cheeseman) but can't find a hint.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Bull Blacksburg, VA
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