Martin how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
Aug 06, 2010; 08:45
how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
Hallo I'm new here. I moved from notepad++ to BBEdit and i can't find this very useful command from notepad++ where yoy can mark with a mouseclick on a line number one or more linenumbers and find them later with the key F2, scrollling throu all theses marked line numbers.
i'm sure that in BBEdit exists something like that, but i can't find it.
thanks in advance and greetings from spain, madrid
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Aug 06
Steve Kalkwarf Re: how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
Aug 06, 2010; 09:37
Steve Kalkwarf
Re: how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
Aug 07
Martin Re: how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
Aug 07, 2010; 02:36
Re: how to mark a linenumber to find ist again fast
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